Bupa Coding Day
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Bupa Coding Day Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure
Upper Key Stage 2
By working together with ‘Professor’ Trice and Al the Robot, your children will learn to design, write, test and debug algorithms on this adventure. Their mission is to turn a robot into a Healthy Lunch-Bot lunch maker for a class of children by lunchtime - but will they do it in time?​
Activity Resources
Bupa Coding Day Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure
Lower Key Stage 2
By working together with ‘Professor’ Trice and Al the Robot, your children will learn to design, write, test and debug algorithms on this adventure. Their mission is to turn a robot into a Healthy Lunch-Bot lunch maker for a class of children by lunchtime - but will they do it in time?​
Activity Resources
Bupa Coding Day Healthy Lunch-Bot Coding Adventure
Key Stage 1
By working together with ‘Professor’ Trice and Al the Robot, your children will learn to design, write, test and debug algorithms on this adventure. Their mission is to turn a robot into a Healthy Lunch-Bot lunch maker for a class of children by lunchtime - but will they do it in time?​
Activity Resources